Support Us
As a community of Jesus' disciples, your support is greatly appreciated as it helps us to share God’s good news and connect people with Jesus throughout our community and Sydney.
The following are some ways you can support us.
Regularly pray for us and the work God has called us to.
Worship with us, either regularly or whenever you are visiting Sydney.
Give us feedback on how we can serve you and the people you know.
Encourage your friends and family to connect with us, call our pastor and worship with us.
Financially help us through one-off or regular donations/offerings. We are grateful and thankful to you and to God for every offering we receive that supports us in doing God’s work in Sydney. You may give:
- in person in the offering bowl
- by sending a cheque to St Paul’s Sydney Lutheran Church, PO Box 416, Darlinghurst NSW 1300
- a one-off donation on the LCA donations page
- electronically St Paul’s Sydney Lutheran Church (BSB 704 942, account number 5397651).
Leave a bequest; after considering the needs of your family and friends, you may choose to make a bequest in your will to support the work and ministry of St Paul’s. This could be a specific amount, a percentage of your estate or a specific capital item. Some wording you may wish to use in your will is:
I give to St Paul’s Sydney Lutheran Church, of 3 Stanley St Darlinghurst ................................ (insert your gift amount. This can be an amount of money, a percentage or portion of your estate, a property or other specific items) to be used by the League in support of the mission and ministry of the Lutheran Church of Australia.