Let's discover how God can continue to help and encourage you.
If you are new to Sydney or have been living there for some time, you are always welcome at St Paul’s. We would love to be part of your journey as you connect with Jesus, others at St Paul’s and others in the wider community.
We have weekly face to face worship at St Paul's Sydney on Sundays 10:30am and we also livestream our service to facilitate worshipping online. So you can now join us at:
3 Stanley Street Darlinghurst 2010
Check out our weekly update for weekly worship resources and other news from our congregation.
Normal Worship arrangements:
Join us for worship each Sunday morning from 10.30am to 12.00pm and for some Christian fellowship, followed by morning tea in the hall downstairs.
On the first and third Sunday of each month, we have contemporary-style worship services which are less formal and the music is more contemporary.
On the second and fourth Sunday of each month, we have traditional-style worship services which have a more formal arrangement. We sing a mixture of traditional and newer hymns.
Holy Communion:
We usually celebrate Holy Communion in every service, except for lay reading services when we do not have a pastor. We welcome all who have been baptised and believe in Jesus Christ to take part in communion.
The communion assistants and the pastor will have communion first, followed by the rest of congregation in a continuous manner. We use individual bread wafers and individual cups. Gluten-free wafers and non-alcoholic wine are available. Please indicate your preference to the assistants.
We also welcome you to bring young children and infants forward to receive a blessing.
Kids at Church (Sunday School):
Every Sunday we have a kids talk as part of our worship services and provide an activity sheet.
Online worshippers are able to download activity sheets and resources for growing faith at home from our online Kids Worship Pack.
Prayer requests:
We love praying for you. You can send us an your prayers using:
- our connect and prayer form
- email pastor@stpaulssydney.org
- text 0418 303 406
The closest carpark is Wilson Carpark on 70 Riley Street, Darlinghurst. This carpark is a 5-minute walk to St Paul's. The cost is normally $8 a day for Sunday. However, if you pre-book online, the cost is $7.00 for the day on Sunday. For more information, please go to the Wilson Parking website.
Public transport:
The church is a 10-minute walk from Town Hall train station and a five-minute walk from Museum train station. Take the Bathurst Street exit at either station. There are also multiple bus stops nearby.
You can use the Transport NSW website to help plan your trip by public transport.